Pearl Dentistry Blog

Stay informed with our oral health tips & fun facts about dentistry. We want to share our experience & expertise to help you make the best decision about your dental care & take better care of your teeth. Check back regularly to learn more about that art, science & everyday habits that contribute to a clean, beautiful smile.

sugar free brownies for no tooth decay

Low Sugar Dessert Recipes to Satisfy Your Sweet Tooth

As the dental health professionals in charge of keeping your smile healthy, we want to do everything we can to keep potential health threats away from your teeth. We all know that sugar can cause major problems when it comes to oral health, particularly tooth decay. That being said, we know it’s unrealistic to tell you to stay away from sugar all together.

how often to replace your toothbrush

How Often Should You Replace Your Toothbrush?

We’ve all heard that the pen is mightier than the sword. You might also say that the toothbrush is mightier than the drill! That’s because if you wield your toothbrush properly, it’s a very powerful weapon against tooth decay & gum disease. But like any tool, if you want it to work best, you need to take care of it.

Happy woman at the dentist

How Do I Find a Good Dentist Near Me?

Finding a dentist is about finding someone you like and trust. The dental clinic you choose should be you & your family’s dental home, your headquarters for all things dental health related. It should be a place where you feel comfortable & where you’re greeting by name when you arrive.

empty dentist's chair

5 Reasons to Visit the Dentist

There have been unanswered calls, deleted voicemails,  ignored texts, & friendly reminders that never make it out of the envelope…we both know it’s been a while since you visited the dentist. If all our efforts to reconnect with you haven’t convinced you, maybe the following 5 reasons to see the dentist will get you to take care of your teeth properly again!

family of good dental patients

5 Tips for Being a Better Dental Patient

Like any relationship in life, having good communication with your dentist is the key to success. The five tips listed below are intended to help you improve your oral health by communicating better with your dentist & /or dental hygienist.

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